Gpsmapedit 2.0 19
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GPSMapEdit 2.0 19: A Powerful Tool for Editing GPS Maps
GPSMapEdit is a software that allows you to create and edit maps for various GPS devices and formats. It supports a wide range of cartographic formats, such as Polish format, Garmin BaseCamp/MapSource, Google Earth, Lowrance MapCreate, CityGuide, Navikey 7 Ways, Navitel Navigator, ALAN Map 500/600, Holux MapShow, and more. You can also import and convert GPS tracks, waypoints and routes from different sources, such as GPX, KML/KMZ, Garmin, iGO 8, iGO Primo, Lowrance, Magellan, Nokia, OziExplorer, ALAN, Holux, and others.
GPSMapEdit 2.0 19 is the latest version of the program, released on March 19th, 2021. It has some new features and enhancements, such as:
The application is digitally signed.
Support of maps from
Using libcurl library instead of WinInet API to download tiles.
User agent attribute in .dat files of Web-maps.
Opening of truncated (damaged) GPX tracks.
GPSMapEdit 2.0 19 is a shareware program that runs on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista and Windows XP. It has a graphical user interface that supports multiple languages, such as German, English (U.S.), Spanish (Latin America), Finnish, French, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Polish, Swedish, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian, Armenian, Tatar, Turkish and Persian. You can download the installer or the version without installer from the official website[^1^]. The license key costs 45 US$ / 39 ⬠and unlocks all updates of GPSMapEdit 2.x.
If you are looking for a powerful and versatile tool for editing GPS maps in various formats and devices, you should give GPSMapEdit 2.0 19 a try. It is one of the most popular and reliable software in this field[^2^]. You can also find more information and documentation on the website[^1^] or on the OpenStreetMap Wiki[^2^].
GPSMapEdit 2.0 19 has a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily create and edit maps. You can use various tools and features, such as:
Zooming, panning and rotating the map.
Adding, deleting and modifying map objects, such as points, lines, polygons and labels.
Setting the properties and attributes of map objects, such as color, width, style, icon, name and description.
Using layers to organize and manage map objects.
Using templates to apply predefined styles and settings to map objects.
Using filters to hide or show map objects based on their properties and attributes.
Using search and replace functions to find and modify map objects.
Using undo and redo functions to revert or repeat changes.
Using clipboard functions to copy and paste map objects.
Using measurement tools to calculate distances and areas on the map.
Using calibration tools to adjust the coordinates and scale of the map.
Using geocoding tools to find the coordinates of addresses or places on the map.
Using routing tools to create and edit routes on the map.
Using tracklog tools to record and edit tracks on the map.
Using waypoint tools to mark and edit waypoints on the map.
You can also import and export maps from various sources and formats. You can load maps from online services, such as Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing Maps, Yandex Maps, Rosreestr Public Map,, and others. You can also load maps from local files, such as ECW, MrSID, JPEG 2000, JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, TIFF, EXIF, KML/Google Maps, ESRI shapefile, MapInfo MIF/MID, CSV, XLS, DBF, MDB, and others. You can also save maps in various formats compatible with GPS devices and software, such as Polish format, Garmin BaseCamp/MapSource, Google Earth, Lowrance MapCreate, CityGuide (navigation software for Windows Mobile), Navikey 7 Ways · Navitel Navigator 3.x · ALAN Map 500/600 · Holux MapShow · Garmin POI Loader · iGO · TomTom OV2 · Navitel Navigator · CityGuide .
GPSMapEdit 2.0 19 is a powerful tool for editing GPS maps that can help you create custom maps for your personal or professional needs. You can download it from the official website and try it for free for 30 days. If you like it, you can buy the license key and enjoy all the updates of GPSMapEdit 2.x. You can also find more information and documentation on the website or on the OpenStreetMap Wiki. 061ffe29dd